Educator Resources

The best resource teachers have is each other.

Educator discounts

Dealhack Teacher Discounts List offers discounts to teachers employed in public and private educational institutions in the United States. Every three months the deals are independently verify for each and every store on this list, which currently consists of more than 150 brands conveniently divided into 24 categories.

Designing your school garden

Gain inspiration and knowledge of how to design, build and sustain your school gardens. Join our efforts in making the learning real, meaningful and fun as we engage with the natural world.

Garden Lesson Plans

Valley of the Sun offers learning guides for classroom teachers and home schooling programs. New lessons and resources supporting the outdoor classroom are added to this catalog quarterly.


Join your colleagues across the field of early childhood education. NAEYC offers four distinct membership categories.


Find essentials to streamline administrative work. Meeting complex state and federal requirements are simply a click away! 


NAEYC offers two program accreditations: The Early Learning Program Accreditation process and standards for ensuring high-quality experiences for children in early learning programs and; the Higher Education Accreditation or recognition systems demonstrating your commitment to high-quality professional preparation.

Contact your representatives

Valley of the Sun advocates to engage teachers and parents in actively supporting Congressional funding that will revive child care programs and preserve the nation’s supply of family child care and community-based child care programs.  Act on your values and contact your U.S. legislators. Contact your Arizona U.S. Senators and your Arizona U.S. Congressional Representatives.

Learn About the 3Ts Program

Tune in, Talk More, Take Turns

These resources are designed to help parents understand the critical role they play in their children’s (birth to age 3) brain development and, more importantly, teach parents ways to turn that knowledge into action.

Register for FREE and receive high quality online resources. Tune In, Talk More, and Take Turns – a simple, yet powerful tool to help parents make the most of everyday interactions with their children.

newsletter subscription

Valley of the Sun publishes our newsletter quarterly. Why not? It’s free and packed with current professional development and articles for early childhood education programs.

arizona pbs

Join for free and get access to a wide range of teacher resources and lesson plans.

teacher resources on play

Defending the Early Years provides a long list of resources and research on how to create playful and impactful learning environments

why early childhood matters

90% of a child’s brain develops before they start kindergarten. And research shows that the quality of a child’s experiences in their first five years helps shape how their brain develops.